____ Ascorbic acid a.k.a. Vitamin C _____
A water-soluble nutrient that can be easily secreted from the human body when not needed. Human cannot synthesize their own vitamin C hence are required to obtain this vitamin through fruits and vegetables. Human vary greatly in their vitamin C requirement. It is natural for one person to need 10 times as much vitamin C as another person, plus a person's age and health status can dramatically change his or her need for vitamin C.
Functions/Beneficial properties of Vitamin C
- cofactor in several enzymatic reaction in the human body
- strengthen the human immune system
- repairs damaged tissues - external and internal
- maintenance of bone, teeth and cartilage
- production of collagen
- maintains normal blood fat and cholesterol level
In consumer products, ascorbic acid/vitamin C is used for
- Preservatives
- prevents food spoilage from bacteria, molds, fungi or yeast.
- slow or prevent changes in color, flavor or texture
- delay rancidity and maintains freshness
- e.g - fruit sauce, jellies, beverages, snack food, cereals
2. Nutrients
- replace vitamins and minerals lost in processing - enrichment
- increase nutrients that may be lacking in the diet - fortification
- e.g - breads, fruit beverages, instant breakfast drinks, energy bars
3. pH control agents and acidulants
- control acidity and alkalinity
- prevent spoilage
- e.g - beverages, frozen desserts, chocolate, low acid canned foods
Deficiency in Vitamin C can/may cause
- scurvy
- gum inflammation, loss of teeth
- high blood pressure
- decreased resistance towards disease-causing agents (low immunity)
- cardiovascular and joint diseases
- cataracts
- cancer
Overdose in Vitamin C can/may cause
- diarrhea
- iron overload disorder
- kidney stone formation
makanyaaa , rajin-rajin la makan sayur sama buah-buahan . ^^