Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Food Additives in Consumer's Product

____ Ascorbic acid a.k.a. Vitamin C _____

A water-soluble nutrient that can be easily secreted from the human body when not needed. Human cannot synthesize their own vitamin C hence are required to obtain this vitamin through fruits and vegetables. Human vary greatly in their vitamin C requirement. It is natural for one person to need 10 times as much vitamin C as another person, plus a person's age and health status can dramatically change his or her need for vitamin C.

Functions/Beneficial properties of Vitamin C

  • cofactor in several enzymatic reaction in the human body
  • strengthen the human immune system
  • repairs damaged tissues - external and internal
  • maintenance of bone, teeth and cartilage
  • production of collagen
  • maintains normal blood fat and cholesterol level

In consumer products, ascorbic acid/vitamin C is used for

  1. Preservatives
  • prevents food spoilage from bacteria, molds, fungi or yeast.
  • slow or prevent changes in color, flavor or texture
  • delay rancidity and maintains freshness
  • e.g - fruit sauce, jellies, beverages, snack food, cereals
     2.  Nutrients
  • replace vitamins and minerals lost in processing - enrichment
  • increase nutrients that may be lacking in the diet - fortification
  • e.g - breads, fruit beverages, instant breakfast drinks, energy bars
     3.  pH control agents and acidulants
  • control acidity and alkalinity 
  • prevent spoilage
  • e.g - beverages, frozen desserts, chocolate, low acid canned foods

Deficiency in Vitamin C can/may cause
  • scurvy
  • gum inflammation, loss of teeth
  • high blood pressure
  • decreased resistance towards disease-causing agents (low immunity)
  • cardiovascular and joint diseases
  • cataracts
  • cancer
Overdose in Vitamin C can/may cause
  • diarrhea
  • iron overload disorder
  • kidney stone formation

makanyaaa , rajin-rajin la makan sayur sama buah-buahan . ^^
Fruits rich in Vitamin C !

Saturday, 20 July 2013

July MUET Writing Test (800/4)

"Everyone should aim to become a millionaire by the age of 35." Discuss. You should write at least 350 words.

          Like the air we breathe in, it is always something we take for granted - time ! Time is ticking away, regardless of what we are doing, even sleeping. However many are unaware of the true value of time. Most people has this mindset of having many more unlimited time to spend, all their youths are spent doing unhealthy activities. These people are of opinion that money is something they can earn easily anywhere anytime. This is somewhat true since our country is filled with many career choice of different fields. However, the question here is, will the money earned be enough for the future ahead ? Capable may human be, but predicting the future is something we human are incapable of. Therefore it is wise for everyone to aim becoming a millionaire by the age 35.

          First of all, it is due to health factor. It is an undeniable fact that people in their late 30's tend to catch many commonly known but dangerous diseases easily, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, kidney stone, arthritis to name a few. And as age increases, so does health risk. So it is crucial for one to secure their money savings for the other half of their life at an early age. Present generation today should think twice about continuing their brief romance with the modern gadgets and their love-life couple. Instead, youths ought to be out struggling, earning a better title than their previous jobs and such, one should earn as much as they can, when they still can.

          Besides that, upon reaching your 40's, it is the perfect time to spend valuable time with your family. As mention earlier, we can never see what may hit us in the near future, believing that you'll die old is clearly a no-no. Put your career aside, spend more of your time, love and attention to the husband or wife and children you once neglected. This is the time where one should get closer to their family, restrengthen the family bond. Go outdoors, barbecue picnic, go to theme parks, or go on a family vacation to name a few activities on the family-to-do list. Moreover, being rich brings everything much to an ease. 

          As most of the millionaires in the world we know, neither one of them have to face any financial problems in their old age. Most of them live the other half of their life comfortably in their huge mansions, bathe in money. In short, being a millionaire means securing their finance. This is not only beneficial to oneself, but to their family as well. Take for instance, out of the blue one of your family member is diagnosed with a dangerous diseases, with the money, early medications and treatment can be made. Furthermore is it not much preferable to die rich rather than die poor ? At least there is loads of fortune for the ease of our future children, and there is something for our future children to look up to.

          In a nutshell, becoming a millionaire by the age of 35 has many benefits. However one cannot expect money and good fortune to come knocking on their door without even lifting a finger. Success does not come rolling, as the saying goes "no pain no gain". Success begets success, being successful in simple task simple jobs is the first step in becoming a young millionaire.

*I don't really remember the essay I wrote, it should have much more elaboration but I just can't remember . :P
*Any comments is accepted , ^ ^